Doctors lying to us? No way, but here is proof. They're lying to you. Your doctors, the drug companies, your HMO.
They're all perpetuating dangerous medical myths, and for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes it's to cut costs. Sometimes it's to sell more drugs. And sometimes it's just because they don't know any better. Think about it: Just because a doctor doesn't know he's wrong doesn't mean it can't kill you.
In fact, in the next 22 minutes, 100 people just like you across America will have died from the 7 most dangerous lies the mainstream medical establishment tells to patients every day. They aren't just 'little white lies,' either-they involve big-league killers like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc. You may have even already been told one or more of these lies yourself.
Number One, 'Chemo and radiation are your best hope.' I desperately hope you will never hear these words. We work night and day to make sure you'll have every weapon you need to stay cancer-free for the rest of your life. And even if you were to discover tomorrow morning that you already have cancer, you could still get well simply and naturally-without drugs, radiation, or chemotherapy. We've heard reports of success from our members all over the world. There are literally dozens of methods of knocking cancer out of your system...
The problem is that your doctor doesn't know about them. He's hopelessly stuck with the outdated cancer treatments he learned in medical school-many of which are now proven not to work. But only a small sliver of the medical community knows the real cures.
Number two, 'Your heart's a ticking time bomb' That's the famous 'time bomb' speech that has been used so successfully on thousands of people-few of whom actually needed any kind of operation. Some doctors aren't this aggressive. They give you a kinder, gentler version of the speech:
'You could go at any time if you're not careful. But we can manage your condition pretty easily with medication. I'm putting you on a daily dose of...'
Of course, 'managing' women's jackets your condition isn't even remotely like curing it. If you knuckle under to this advice, you'll be taking Lipitor, Mevacor, Zocor, Lescol, Crestor, Advicor, Coumadin, aspirin, or various prostaglandins for the rest of your life. But the speech doesn't mention that, does it?
Number three, 'It's just a normal part of aging' The best weapon for fighting this kind of medical incompetence is your coat: When you hear such nonsense, grab it and run. No one, of course, wants to live an extra 40 years in a wheelchair, wheezing and unable to add 2 + 2. But that's not what they're finding in experiments on animals. We're finding we can extend middle age, not old age. We're making it possible to keep playing golf and tennis, not to keep driving ourselves to the proctologist's office.
Number four, 'You have to start on insulin right away'. The diabetes epidemic has snuck up on us and become the sixth-leading cause of U.S. deaths: Over 200,000 in 2002. And it's only getting worse. Yes, a strict diet of veggies would keep you free from diabetes.
But you don't have to go to that extreme. Unknown to the public and most doctors, there are proven plant nutrients you can take in pill form that maintain blood sugar at levels close to the ideal-even if you sometimes fall off the sugar 'wagon.
Number five, 'Only a calcium channel blocker can control your high blood pressure. You're 135 over 95, which puts you in dangerous territory. But we can bring that right down with a calcium channel blocker.'
If you have even a little bit of hypertension, the U.S. government wants to put you on drugs for the rest of your life. Until last year, blood pressure of 130/90 was no great cause for alarm-just a notch above the ideal of 120/80. Now it sets off bells like a three-alarm fire.
Visit a conventional M.D. today, and he will want you to start taking a calcium channel blocker drug even if you're showing just 130/90. He won't mention anything about when you'll stop taking it. (People don't usually stop taking hypertension drugs because the doctor pronounces them cured; they stop because they're sick and tired of all the side effects.
Number six, 'Nothing can help your Alzheimer's, i'm sorry, but your CT scan shows early-stage Alzheimer's. We can slow your decline somewhat, but there is no cure. You should begin to arrange for your long-term care.'
If you or a friend begins to show any symptoms of Alzheimer's, head straight for an alternative-medicine physician. Do not even think about wasting your time on an establishment 'McDoctor.'
Alzheimer's is a serious condition, now nearing pandemic stages, and you cannot afford to waste time on conventional, white bread physicians who will tell you that you can't prevent it or stop it. It's true that Alzheimer's is a slow-growing disorder. The trouble is, by the time the victim (or his family) admits that it's not just ordinary forgetfulness, it's usually late in the game. So if it's Alzheimer's, you don't have a moment to spare. You must pounce on it promptly
And number seven, 'Everybody gets arthritis. It happens to the best of us. Why, I even have a touch of arthritis myself. There's no cure, but we still have a few pain drugs that haven't been pulled off the shelves.' It has long been the 'impossible dream' of researchers: a harmless natural extract powerful enough to really erase the pain and swelling of lifelong, crippling arthritis.
For 20 years, alternative medicine research teams in Japan, France, and Australia sweated and struggled to find an answer for arthritis that wouldn't cause more problems than it solved. Finally, they've found it in a remote spot that big-name drug firms never thought to look-on the shoreline of faraway New Zealand.
The Maori natives there are fond of gourmet dishes made from the green-lipped mussel. They credit this mussel with their legendary ability to jog, scamper up rocks, and do teenage-type moves well into their 80s and 90s. They feel sorry for us old folks who can't even climb a tree!
Check out as many options as you can. God bless medical doctors but they are not infallible.
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